Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Random Pictures

Enjoy some pictures of Mr. Caleb

These were taken on the airplane ride to FL. Caleb and Daddy were listening to music.

Aunt Bubba, Caleb, & Uncle Matt watching a DVD in the car

Caleb & Braden were showering one day when I caught Braden lathering up Caleb to shave
(no razor was used)

"Mom, slow down, I am holding on for dear life"

SOOO tired

I was doing laundry one night and Braden put his socks on Caleb's hands & feet

I was taking Lexi on a walk and Caleb wanted to come too.
I allowed Caleb to walk instead of getting in his wagon.
Big Mistake - he kept taking a break and sitting down.

Caleb got to attend a friends birthday party recently.
It was an airplane theme and the decorations were amazing.

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