Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day 2010

We had a wonderful, long Labor Day weekend.
The weekend started out with a date with my husband on Friday night. We went to a movie (where we sat behind Kim Kardashian & Miles Austin) and then went out to dinner. It was a great night out without Caleb. Thank you to Grandma for watching our little monkey so we could enjoy a Date Night.

The rest of the weekend we just ran around town shopping, eating, and enjoying the weekend with my parents.

Caleb loves to Swiffer the house and help clean.

Grandma bought Caleb a Push Popper (which we call a Clopper)
He walked around the house pushing this thing all weekend

Caleb loves making funny faces

Monday evening we went over to Nana & Papa's house to swim and eat dinner
Caleb dancing to the music by the pool

Caleb & Daddy floating through the water

Caleb giving Daddy a hug

Caleb, Papa, & Daddy playing in the pool

1, 2, 3 .... BLAST OFF

Caleb thought he was squirting me with water (but it was just the hose nozzle)

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