Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sleep Training is NOT for the Weak At Heart

So, Braden and I have embarked on the task of "sleep training" (better known as listening to Caleb scream himself to sleep at night).
I KNOW, we are really late in doing this but I have to admit that I was not ready for this stage yet (I am still not ready). I have always enjoyed the bonding time I have with Caleb each night as he snuggles close to me while I rock him and read a book, sing some lullabys, drink a bottle, and he falls asleep. I KNOW, I should not have ever started this trend but I did and now I am paying the price of having to listen to my baby scream himself to sleep.
So, I don't have the heart to take the bottle and the rocking him to sleep away at the same time.

Night 1: Sunday, May 9th
We started with giving him a bottle and then I put him down in his crib still awake. He fussed a little and I just patted his back and told him I loved him and would see him in the morning. He was ok until I reached the door then he started to scream. I left the room and wanted to cry myself. I went back in about 5 minutes later and he looked at me like I was a horrible mommy for leaving him. I picked him up, comforted him, and then put him back down. He was ok until I reached the door then he started to scream. I left the room and wanted to cry myself. I waited another 10 minutes and repeated the routine.
[NOTE** While I am doing this, Braden is on the computer researching how to get your 1 year old to sleep]
Finally, I can't take it anymore so Braden takes a turn. With the same outcome - - screaming hysterically. But this time we let him cry-it-out and I try to occupy my time with doing laundry and cleaning up. It took about 20 minutes but Caleb finally started to give in and fall asleep.

Night 2: Monday, May 10th
We gave Caleb a nice warm bath. Then we got him ready for bed while I made up some fun night time songs. Then we gave Caleb his bottle, I read "Goodnight Moon", rang him his favorite song of "Hush Little Baby," and I put him down. With no hesitation, he started screaming. I told him I loved him and would see him in the morning. I left the room, started my stopwatch on my phone, and was going to wait 15 minutes before going in. But, we never made it to 15 minutes because he gave in and fell asleep somewhere around 14 minutes.

We are praying for less of a struggle tonight. Hopefully this will be as easy as "training" Caleb to sleep through the night.

1 comment:

Charlie Morina said...

I'm not sure you're late at all doing this. You won't get much more time to enjoy him as a little guy so not sure what the rush is. In any case, if he's anything like his mom....well, let's just hope he's not!

Good luck to all of you.
