Thursday, May 27, 2010

14 Months Old

My baby is not a baby anymore :(

It is hard to believe Caleb is 14 months old already. I feel like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. Time flies too fast when you are having fun.
Caleb is my greatest joy. I love spending time with him and watching him change day to day. He loves to dance and run and play with his blocks. He gives the best hugs and kisses and walks around saying "dada" & "mama" but his favorite thing to say is "ba." Anything can be a "ba" (bottle, ball, balloon, etc). It is so sweet and he steals my heart.

Here are some pictures I took today (his 14 month birthday)
Momma, pick me up

Look at my blocks

Daddy is SO cool when he plays the guitar

1 comment:

Aunt Jenny said...

cant you afford to buy that boy soe pants that arent torn... goodness!!