Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dallas Zoo

We have been having gorgeous weather in Dallas lately. So weekend before last we went to the Dallas Zoo to see all the animals. The Dallas Zoo had recently opened a new section of the zoo and we were excited to go see it. Caleb had a great time at the Zoo. He was not fond of the Gorillas but loved the Giraffes and Elephants.

My sweet baby boy making faces at me

Daddy, Caleb, Giraffes

Mommy, Caleb, Giraffes

You could get SO close to the giraffes. They even sold crackers and you could feed them for $5

This giraffe had an itch and needed to scratch it against the post

Look closely for the zebra

Caleb & Momma (photo op)

(enjoying the afternoon sunshine)


Outside the elephant exhibit are these brass elephants that Caleb was climbing on


Caleb wanted to get down and run run run the whole way through the zoo. Finally we got to a field where he could do just that.

Over in the children's section of the zoo, Caleb played


Outside the children's area, there were these brass kangaroos that Caleb liked

We have been trying to teach Caleb that he is going to be "2" years old this month

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