Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Houston Rodeo

This past weekend the family ventured to Houston to see Grandma (Grandpa was out of town) and go to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo.
Grandma & Caleb came with us the livestock show on Saturday before the rodeo started. Caleb got to see lots of animals and LOVED every second of it. We got him real tired them sent him home with Grandma while my Sisters, Braden & I went to see Brad Paisley in concert. It was a really fun day but the weekend seems to have flown by without stopping.

Daddy & Caleb petting a baby goat

Caleb riding a tractor
Caleb & a chicken

Baby chicks that had just hatched

Caleb, Mommy, & a Baby Potbelly Pig

Grandma & Caleb rode the carousel together

Grandma & Caleb on the teacups

Monday, March 7, 2011


One of the Mom's at Caleb's school recently took some pictures of the children on the playground. She shared these adorable pictures of Caleb with me.
He is SERIOUSLY the cutest little boy in the world. His little face melts my heart.

Caleb, Georgia, & Nina

Friday, March 4, 2011

4 Years of Marriage

On March 3, 2011 Braden and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary. It has been a great 4 years and in some ways I can't believe it has already been 4 years.

I spent most of the day sick in bed. Braden did bring me home some lunch and a movie that we watched together (in the middle of the afternoon). Then Braden took me to an Anniversary dinner at Chick-Fil-A because we had a house showing and needed to get out of the house with Caleb.

I love you Braden! You are an amazing husband and dad.

3 Year Anniversary
2 Year Anniversary

1Year Anniversary??
We went to Mexico but I can't find any pictures from that trip.

Wedding Day
March 3, 2007

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fun At Home

The weather has been SO nice in Dallas lately (minus the snow in mid-Feb). We have spent a lot of time outside enjoying the warm temperatures.

One night before bath time, Caleb was being silly and I snapped a couple pictures. He is SERIOUSLY too cute for words.

Happy Birthday Nina & Sebastian

Recently Caleb attended a Birthday Party for 2 of his friends at Pump It Up Jr. Pump It Up is a genius idea of having a building full of inflatable bounce houses, slides, and obstacle courses. Caleb LOVED playing and slept long and hard that afternoon.

Momma even got to play some (I had fun too)

My beautiful baby face

They tried to get all the children to sit down for a group picture. This is the best the kids would do for the photo.

My arm is in the way, but I thought it was cute watching Caleb pitch the Birthday Girls cheeks and give her a kiss

Pizza is YUMMY

Birthday Boy & Girl

Cupcakes are fun to eat

Even more fun to eat with NO HANDS

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

Dallas Zoo

We have been having gorgeous weather in Dallas lately. So weekend before last we went to the Dallas Zoo to see all the animals. The Dallas Zoo had recently opened a new section of the zoo and we were excited to go see it. Caleb had a great time at the Zoo. He was not fond of the Gorillas but loved the Giraffes and Elephants.

My sweet baby boy making faces at me

Daddy, Caleb, Giraffes

Mommy, Caleb, Giraffes

You could get SO close to the giraffes. They even sold crackers and you could feed them for $5

This giraffe had an itch and needed to scratch it against the post

Look closely for the zebra

Caleb & Momma (photo op)

(enjoying the afternoon sunshine)


Outside the elephant exhibit are these brass elephants that Caleb was climbing on


Caleb wanted to get down and run run run the whole way through the zoo. Finally we got to a field where he could do just that.

Over in the children's section of the zoo, Caleb played


Outside the children's area, there were these brass kangaroos that Caleb liked

We have been trying to teach Caleb that he is going to be "2" years old this month