Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fun Weekend (Away)

This past weekend was a lot of fun. My big sister (Jennifer) came into town and with our little sister (Jessica) we had a Sisters Weekend. We spent Saturday getting mani/pedis and shopping. It was a day full of fun and bonding. We spent the night out on the town and stayed at a local hotel (to be away from all the boys). It was a lot of fun. Question .... how do you get 3 women together for a weekend and end up with NO pictures?? Crazy, but true.

While I was gone on Saturday, Braden enjoyed the outdoors with Caleb and kept me updated on the workings of the Howell Boys while I was out.

Braden took Caleb to our Church's Family Day at the Park where they have a petting zoo along with llamas. Here is Caleb enjoying the animals.
After an afternoon at the park Caleb needed a snack
Then Caleb and Daddy played "hide & seek"
Can you find Caleb?

Later in the afternoon Caleb spent some time with Nana.
She got to show him off to one of her good friends who was in from out of town.
Two Friends with their Beautiful Grandsons

While Caleb was playing with Nana, Papa helped Braden install the swing Caleb got for his birthday. When Caleb got home, he got to try it out. He LOVED it.

When it was time for bed Caleb put on his pajamas and played with some toys.

Then he started to get sleepy

Sunday morning before Church Braden put Caleb in his bouncy seat while he showered.
Do YOU think our 1 year old is too big for his infant bouncy seat?
What else can you do with a 1 Year Old when you are trying to shower and get ready?

After Church I met up with my favorite boys for lunch. Caleb was being silly wearing Nana's sunglasses.

Last, but certainly not least, I had to share this photo.
This is a great example of what it is like to have a toddler in the house. I opened the refrigerator to take out my lunch for work. I turned around and Caleb was standing IN the frig and was throwing the bottled water on the floor.
He is SUCH a big helper.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Since James doesn't take a morning nap anymore, which is when I used to shower and get ready... I put him in his old crib to read to his stuffed animal "friends." It doesn't always work, but at least I have a good eye on him from the video monitor! I do try most mornings to get a shower before Jeff leaves for work though. ;)