Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Caleb's Curls Are Gone :(

I am a little sad to say that I mildly regret taking Caleb to get his hair cut. But his hair was so out of control that he ended up looking like a bum every morning when I dropped him off at school. So, Braden and I took Caleb to get his hair cut this weekend. He was a champ and did a great job. The lady who cut his hair didn't quite understand the phrase "just a trim, not too much, I love his curls."
Mommy strapping Caleb into the chair
(doesn't he look happy?)

Yay! Caleb is getting his hair trimmed
(Before Picture)
Caleb in his cape

Wetting Caleb's hair to cut it

Caleb was such a pro at leaning his head and being still so the lady could cut his hair

Snip, Snip, Snip

Half way done .....

Snip, Snip, Snip some more

A little off the top

Caleb's Big Boy Hair

Caleb even got a certificate to show his bravery at getting his hair trimmed

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I am SO jealous... James SCREAMS bloody murder the entire haircut! This next week will be haircut #4 and I dread each one of them! Caleb looks like a doll!