Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Sweet Baby Boy

My sweet baby boy is getting so big. I know it is only natural for him to grow up and get bigger but I want him to stay a baby for just a little bit longer. He is gaining Independence every day. He loves to crawl around the floor and is really cute trying to crawl on the hard woods because he has to work harder not to slip. Sweet Baby Caleb - - Mommy loves you.

I picked Caleb up from school one day last week and was shocked to see him wearing this silly outfit. I had not updated his cubby at school and these pants are size 0-3 months. Oops! He was wearing capris. And to think, these were big on him when he was born.

Nana B bought Caleb these adorable Elmo/Sesame Street pj's. Caleb has a few Elmo toys that he plays with so he is learning his Sesame Street characters.
Such a big boy, holding his own bottle.
On a completely different note, it has been below freezing for the last few days. I went to a work lunch the other day and the fountain out front was frozen solid. I thought it was really funny.

1 comment:

Aunt Jenny said...

my nephew is soo cute! i get to see him this weekend!