Monday, July 13, 2009

Fun Weekend!

It was a miserably hot weekend in Dallas. The temperature has been in the 100's and the humidity is horrible. Even with the heat, we had a great weekend.

Friday night we took Caleb to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, Matt's. He was a happy boy (some would say a real Chick Magnet)!
Jessica (lil sis) and her boyfriend Matt were in Temple this weekend. Braden and I got to watch after their baby, Lola.

Saturday we went to a Sunday School Lake Party. Caleb was a great baby the whole day. I think the heat started to make him tired.

And later he fell asleep on my chest.

Sunday after church we went to lunch at Cheesecake Factory. Isn't Caleb such a big boy sitting up in my lap?

1 comment:

nbrawley said...

Caleb looks just like you!!!! Cute pictures!