Friday, March 20, 2009

Ready & Waiting

Well, we are "officially" at 38 weeks now. I feel like I might just pop at any minute. The Doctor says we could have Caleb anytime now. He is fully developed and just gaining weight at this point.
Since I am such a planner, I wish someone could tell me exactly when my precious little boy will be born. It is torturous on me just sitting around waiting. But, I am working on my patience while I sit and wait.

So, for the last 38 weeks I think I have been a really great pregnant woman. I have had a pretty easy pregnancy with little sickness or feeling bad. I haven't required a lot of extra attention or pampering. I haven't made Braden make midnight runs to get me pickles and ice cream. I have been reasonable and not complained. WELL, the day has now come when I am getting so uncomfortable and so tired that I am turning into a hormonal, sleep deprived pregnant woman.

No more Sleep
I love to sleep. I can usually fall asleep with no problems. I just lay my head down and within minutes, I am out. Well, the days of good nights of sleep have come and gone. I have probably been getting closer to 3-5 hours of sleep a night now. I have trouble getting comfortable and find it hard to sleep. About the time I fall asleep, my body wakes me up to tell me that I have to potty. So I roll over, throw my legs over the side of the bed, and get up. When I get back into bed, I lay awake listening to Braden sleeping so soundly while I toss and turn and moan and groan and pray for sleep to come.
Swollen Feet & Hands
If you know me well, you know I LOVE my stiletto heels. I wear them every day to work and love being an extra 4-5 inches taller than normal. Well, my feet have reached the swollen stage where I can not even get my heels on anymore. I have to wear flip flops or sandals every day. It is miserable and I hate it. On top of my feet being fat, my fingers have swollen so much that I can't get my wedding ring on anymore. I had just been leaving my wedding band on but at the doctors appointment this last week she suggested I get it off or the hospital would cut it off when I arrived to deliver. Needless to say, my ring finger is naked and I miss my rings.
My Clumsy Ways
I think I have knocked over or dropped more things in the last week than in my whole life. Seriously, what is wrong with me? I love being half asleep, reaching for my water, and then it slips and spills all over me and the bed. Or standing in the kitchen trying to help clean up after dinner and knocking over or spilling so much stuff that I cause more of a mess and Braden makes me leave the kitchen. I am starting to feel like a bull in a china shop.

On a MUCH happier note, a few weeks ago Braden and I took some maternity photos to commemorate this wonderful time in our lives. Here are two of my favorite pictures that are appropriate to share with friends and family.

This photo means a lot to me because these are the same black polos we wore in our engagement pictures. It is hard to believe how much our lives have changed in three years.

My big belly and our hands

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