Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It is official, Braden and I had our Dr's appointment yesterday and found out we were (without a doubt) having a boy. Nana B (Braden's mom) and Grandma D (my mom) joined us for the appointment. I think everyone was excited to see our little boy moving around and loved hearing his little heart beating. We had a video made of the sonogram so we can watch it daily and see our little bundle of joy.

Baby Boy Howell's First Embarrassing Picture
(the picture is taken looking up from his bottom)

Baby Boy Howell
(his body is curled up like a backwards C)

1 comment:

NanaB said...

What an exciting experience that was - Braden and Rebecca were sooo happy - and of course the grandmas were too. Just to see the healthy baby was a blessing. We've already watched the video twice!