Saturday, October 25, 2008

17 Weeks

Well, we are 17 weeks pregnant and counting. Everything is going fine. I am no longer nauseous on a daily business and starting to feel like myself again. They say the second trimester is the best because you're not sick (like the 1st trimester) and you are not uncomfortable (like in the 3rd trimester). Recently I have started wearing some maternity clothes. I can still wear majority of my "pre-pregnancy" clothes but I am a lot more comfortable in the maternity ones. In the picture below you will see that I am wearing maternity jeans. These jeans are one of the best creations known to man. They are super comfortable with a stretchy cotton panel that stretches over your belly. I don't know if I will ever go back to regular jeans.
So, Monday (Oct 27) we have another sonogram scheduled. We should be finding out if we are going to have a boy or girl. Not I just have to hope and pray the baby will cooperate so the doctor can see him/her and tell us the sex. The grandma's-to-be are coming to the appointment with Braden and I to share in this amazing experience. We are thrilled to have them join us and I know they are thrilled to see their first grandchild.
Lastly, I realized I have not talked about my first baby - Lexi (our dog). Lexi has been a super sweet companion for over a year now. Braden and I adore her and can't wait for her to meet the baby too. It is weird but I think she knows something is different. She is migrating more toward Braden these days (where she has always been my shadow). I am attaching a picture of our first baby below. She is a 6lb. chihuahua mix that Braden rescued a little over a year ago.

1 comment:

NanaB said...

I hope this baby looks more like either one of you than your "first baby" even though Lexi is precious!!