Well, I wasn't going to post anything this week because I have been so busy with work and preparing for Caleb's birthday. But, then my big sis said I "had to do one last post because Caleb turns 1," so here I am. Today is the last day of babyhood for Caleb. Tomorrow will mark his 1st Birthday. I am so excited he is turning one but a little sad on the inside because it means my baby is turning into a little boy (tear).
The last year of my life has been amazing. It all started a year ago today when I checked into the hospital. Little did I know that day started the first of many crazy days with a feisty little boy. Caleb has brought more happiness to my life than I ever thought possible. I wake up each morning thinking about him and go to bed each night praying God will watch over him and protect him. I look at Caleb and can not believe how much I love him. He is everything I could ask for and more. He makes my day when he looks at me, smiles, and says "mama."
Lets not forget the other half of my world - Braden. My relationship with Braden starts back in college. He has gone from a friend to a boyfriend to a fiance to a husband to a father. I was a little (tiny bit) nervous about Braden when we decided to start our family. Braden didn't grow up around children while I babysat and knew a lot of children. But, all hesitation went out the window when the doctor handed Caleb to Braden. Braden was a natural. From that day on, I have been in awe watching Caleb and Braden together. The way Braden looks at Caleb is indescribable. And Caleb absolutely lights up when his Daddy walks into the room. I think I could literally see Braden's heart melt when Caleb for the first time looked up at him with his big, blue eyes and said "dada."
The year ahead holds lots of new obstacles and memories. I look forward to sharing them all with Braden as we watch our son grow up before our eyes.
I will update again after Caleb's 1st Birthday. Thank you to all my blog readers for your support and love over the last year (and longer).
Love to all - Rebecca
So, these pictures are in honor of Aunt Jennifer. She bought Caleb this adorable t-shirt (too bad she didn't buy him some pants:)