WOW - it has been a crazy month. One month ago today I became a Mother. One month down, a lifetime to go. It has been an incredible experience to say the least. Caleb has been a blessing and a joy.
It is so hard for me to express how amazing it is to be a mother. I look at Caleb daily and can hardly believe that Braden and I created something so beautiful and miraculous. Caleb is perfect in every way. He is a true gift from God. I have truly enjoyed watching him grow day to day. On top of being the strongest baby I have ever met, Caleb is now starting to smile. The hard times are all worth it when I get one of the perfect little Caleb smiles.
With the good comes the difficult. Caleb is a night owl. He loves to sleep all day and "party" all night. Since I am breast feeding, I have to get up every few hours and feed Caleb. Then I (or Braden) rock him back to sleep, just to crawl back in bed for an hours sleep just to repeat. Slowly but surely Caleb is getting better at his sleep patterns and we are getting more sleep (maybe 2 hours at a time).
I have to thank everyone who has brought us food, send us gifts, called to check on us, emailed their thoughts and prayers, visited to hold Caleb. Braden, Caleb, and I are all so fortunate to have family and friends who love us so much. For all of YOU we are forever grateful.
Last but not least we have to thank our families. Our parents and siblings have been a wonderful support system and it would have been hard to survive the last month without you. Caleb is truly blessed to be brought into such a wonderful family. We are happy to know he will grow up surrounded by so much love.
Here are a couple pictures. From less than 24 hours old to a picture taken this weekend. Enjoy!
Caleb (not even 24 hrs old)
He sleeps .... sometimes
Caleb loves Lexi (look at that smile) but Lexi is not quite sure what to think of Caleb yet