Wednesday, December 31, 2008

26 Week Checkup

Yesterday we had another doctors appointment to check on little Caleb. The ultrasound showed his heart rate at 136 and his weight at 2pounds 4 ounces. Caleb is growing right on schedule and maybe a little bit fast than schedule. The sonogram tech measured Caleb at 27.4 weeks when I am actually only 26.4 weeks pregnant. God help me that this baby does not come out too big. I want him to bake as long as he needs but not be overdone and a 10lb baby.

Before my appointment I had to drink a Glucose (sugar) Drink so the doctor could test my blood sugar to determine if I might develop diabetes during pregnancy. I was a little worried because diabetes runs in my family. But, my test came back and showed that my blood sugar was normal and therefore my body processes sugars correctly. Unfortunately, the test also showed that my iron level was down (normal but on the low side of normal). So, my doctor has put me on iron supplements to help my body produce the blood that is needed to keep Caleb healthy and happy.

Caleb at 26 weeks (side view)
His knees are bent into his tummy & arms are folded over his chest

Random Picture

Barrett & Amy spent Christmas in Tokyo visiting Amy's brother. They brought Braden back a Japanese headband as a souvenir.

It Was A Very Good Holiday

Braden and I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. We had a blessed holiday with both of our families. We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Mom & Dad Howell then headed to Pearland for the weekend to see the entire Morina Crew. Here are a few pictures from our Christmas.

Morina Family Tradition - - Matching Christmas PJs

Jessica bought Caleb a sling for Christmas. Lexi tried it out and loved it.

Caleb was being very active all weekend. My mom was trying to feel him move around.

Braden's favorite present - BOOTS!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


We wish all our friends and family a very

Merry Christmas.

May you have safe travels and get to share this holiday with those you love.

Love from our home to yours - Rebecca & Braden

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another Week Closer

It is hard to believe that in a short 15 weeks Braden and I will be welcoming Caleb into the world. The journey has been a great one and I am treasuring the days as they go by. I am enjoying my growing belly as Caleb grows and moves. I am enjoying the quiet times when Caleb really likes to kick and move around. But most of all I am enjoying this experience unlike anything else in the world. Knowing that I am the life line for this small human in my belly is an amazing thing. God created women to reproduce and WOW is it a miracle what your body does and how it was made to do this. I am amazed now and know I will continue to be amazed as I get closer to the due date and deliver our gift from God.

This past weekend was exceptionally crazy.
Friday night: Braden and I went to a Christmas party hosted by Chuck (Braden's best friend) and his wife Lilly. It is an annual tradition to gather at their house for holiday cheer and Chuck's famous egg nog. This year I had to pass on the egg nog since just smelling it will get you drunk. It is always nice to be with friends for the holidays.
Saturday: I got up early to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Then Braden and I headed to Ft Worth. Our first stop in Ft Worth was at TCU (Go Frogs!!). We bought Caleb his first TCU t-shirt from the bookstore then drove around campus. It is hard to believe that it was the same school we graduated from 4 1/2 years ago. Our second stop was at Billy Bobs to see Pat Green. As Braden said in the last post, it was Caleb's first concert. I think he really enjoyed it. Our third, and final stop in Ft Worth, was at my annual Christmas party with "The Girls." Now that we are all married, we invite the husbands too. It was great to see Sasha/Jeff, Katie/Sam, and Robin/Chad. We missed Tiffany and Alicia, maybe we can all be together again next year :( After the Christmas party Braden went to the Cowboys game. He was excited to attend the last game being played at Texas Stadium. Braden has a lot of fond memories from Texas Stadium. He will have to share all the memories with Caleb since he will never see the Cowboys play there.
Sunday: was the usual church, lunch, and errands. There were definitely not enough hours in the weekend to get everything done. Thank goodness for a long weekend ahead of us. Lastly, I would like to thank Caleb's amazing Grandparents. The four Grandparents went in on an early Christmas/Baby gift and bought us our baby furniture. Last night Braden and I picked out a paint color for the bedroom. Braden has so graciously taken on the task of repainting Caleb's room so we can pick up the furniture and get the room started. Thank you honey for being the best husband!

Everyone have a safe and Merry Christmas.
Lots of love to all our friends and family.

Braden's Last Cowboys game at Texas Stadium

"The Girls" [Me, Robin, Katie, Sasha]

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Caleb's First Pat Green Experience

A Post from the Father-To-Be

Today is a very exciting day! I am typing this post from Billy Bob's Texas (thank God for my Blackberry!) where Rebecca and I are at the annual event for Pat Green fanclub members. It's always an awesome event where you get your photo taken with Pat, get his autograph, and then he does a nice Q&A session followed by a short set with his band.

This year is particularly exciting because it will be the first time little Caleb hears the great music of Pat Green! I've read that babies in the womb can hear what goes on around them, so we are happy to be introducing him to Pat Green at an early age (-15 weeks old!).

This is our third time at this event, and during our photo with Pat, we told him the first time we came we were engaged, the second time we were married and his version of Lucky Ones was our song, and this time, we're pregnant! We then mentioned that if we keep up this pace we'll probably have to stop coming after next year!

Well, Pat is about to go on stage so it's time for me to sign off. I'll update soon but now it's time for Caleb to enjoy his first Pat Green experience!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas at the Howell House

After traveling for the last 3 weekends - Braden and I stayed home this weekend and put up our Christmas Tree. It is not a lot of fun to get the tree out of the box and set up (yes, we have a fake tree). But once the tree is up, it is so much fun to go through our ornaments and strategically place them on the tree. My favorite old ornaments are "Our First Christmas" and "My First Ski Trip to Crested Butte, CO". I loved putting the ornaments on the tree and reminiscing with Braden about how much fun the last year has been.
Secretly I had been looking for the PERFECT ornament to commemorate this years Christmas of being pregnant with Caleb. I had looked in a few shops and online a little bit but had not found anything I really loved. Then, much to my surprise, my mother-in-law (Bertie) gave me the PERFECT ornament this weekend. It is exactly what I was looking for. This ornament will always be special to me. Thank you Nana B for this wonderful addition to our tree.

Baby & Mommy Update - I am finally feeling better. I am not 100% over my cold but I am now able to think straight again since my head it not congested. I still have a slight cough but it is getting better too. Caleb is doing well. He has been moving a lot lately. Up until now I have been able to feel him move around from inside but it is hard to locate him on the outside. But, Friday night I was laying in bed and Caleb was moving so much I tried to wake up Braden so he could hopefully get to feel him move. Braden was so tired from a long week that it was impossible to get him to wake up enough to feel my belly. Better luck next time - hopefully Braden gets to feel him move soon.
And now, back by popular demand, a new belly pic (in front of our Christmas Tree)

23 Weeks

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Turkey & A Celebration

This past weekend was a Morina Family celebration in Austin, TX. The weekend started on Thursday as we all met up for Thanksgiving lunch at a local Austin restaurant. The rest of the weekend was devoted to lots of shopping, football, golf, and of course Jennifer's 30th Birthday Festivities. Saturday night we all went to Carmelo's Italian Restaurant to eat and open presents. I think Jennifer had a great weekend and 30th Birthday.

On a little less happy note - I have a cold and ear infection. If you have ever been pregnant AND sick at the same time, you know how miserable it can be. The doctor can not prescribe anything good to help kick the cold out of my system so now I just have to wait it out.

In Baby News - Today I had another prenatal doctor's appointment. The baby is growing right on schedule. I have been feeling him move around but the movements are not big enough to feel him from the outside yet. Don't worry, just a couple more weeks and I am sure everyone will get to feel our little man kick me.
Other than having a cold, I have been feeling good and doing well. I have been working hard to control the inevitable weight gain. With all the ups and downs over the weeks, I have only gained 10 lbs since I got pregnant (not too bad for almost 23 weeks).
I go back to the doctor in 4 weeks for another sonogram and to get tests ran to see if I have a high risk of diabetes during pregnancy. I will keep every updated on the results (and maybe I will have a new picture of Caleb to share).

Here are some pictures from this weekend.

SISTERS:: Jessica, Jennifer (birthday girl), Me

Mom & Dad to be

The Morina Family

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Weekend Update

This past weekend my little sister (Jessica) and I went home to Pearland to attend a birthday party for our big sister (Jennifer). Jennifer will turn the BIG 3-0 over the Thanksgiving holiday so her best friend threw her a party in Houston to celebrate the milestone. Jennifer didn't know that Jessica and I were coming into town so it was a surprise when we arrived. The party was fun and I think Jennifer had a nice celebration of her BIG 3-0. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!!

*Note: For those of you who know Jennifer - check out her new, 30 year old hair cut. She chopped off 20 inches and surprised us all at the party *

Friday, November 21, 2008

He Has A Name!!

So, as many of you know, Braden and I have been going back and forth trying to come up with a name for Baby Boy Howell. I had my favorite names and Braden had some too. It is a lot of pressure to name a child. The name we choose will be his name for the rest of his life.

So, after a lot of discussions, we have decided Baby Boy Howell's name will be: CALEB

*the middle name is still being discussed :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Run, Run, Run

This past weekend the Morina Crew went to San Antonio to cheer on Jessica & Matt as they ran their 2nd marathon. They both DESTROYED their previous marathon times. Jessica improved her time by 30 minutes (Matt improved 40 minutes). Although Jessica's official time is one second faster than Matt's, we are crediting them with a tie because Matt took the time to wave at us as they approached the finish line, while Jessica stayed focused on the finish line missing the signs we made for them. We are so proud of them both and can't wait to hear about the sight of the next marathon adventure :)

There is not a lot of baby news this week. Baby Boy Howell continues to grow and I continue to read about what fruit he is measurable to each week [this week he is as long as a banana]. I should start to feel him moving around any day now. I keep putting my hand on my belly hoping to feel him, but can't feel anything yet.

For all our readers, please leave us comments so we know you are reading. At the end of every blog there is a comment section where we can go back and read your thoughts. We would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another Crazy Weekend

Braden and I had another crazy weekend with not a lot of rest and relaxation. Saturday was spent running around town doing baby registry stuff. We found the baby's bedroom furniture at Babies-R-Us. Braden and I had been looking for the right crib and changing table for a while because we were trying to match the color of wood to another piece of furniture that is already in the baby's room. I think we were successful and the furniture will look great in the room.
Saturday night we met up with some college friends (Katie, Sam, Sasha & Jeff) for dinner at Fireside Pies. It is always fun to hang out with old friends, eat pizza, and drink beer & wine (I of course enjoyed water while the others drank the beer & wine).

On Sunday Braden and I went to church. During our Sunday School class we announced we are expecting a baby boy. Whenever someone in the class announces a pregnancy, one of our teachers dresses up like a stork and gives out pickles to the expecting mom. The "stork" flips a coin to tell you if you are having a boy or girl. This time the stork was wrong.
After church and lunch we went to Target to register. It was not quite as overwhelming as Babies-R-Us. I think we are almost done with the registry process. Of course once we got home I remembered a few other things that I had not registered for. That just means another trip to Target and Babies-R-Us :)

Check out our updated registries:

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Registry

This weekend Braden and I ventured to Babies-R-Us to start the baby registry process. It was completely overwhelming as we walked through the store and tried to pick out what we needed. There are too many brands of everything - pacifiers, strollers, diapers, bottles, etc. I kept writing down things, telling Braden we had to research them so we could see what the best brand/model was. When we got home last night Braden got on the internet and researched all sorts of baby products so we could make an informed decision on which ones to register for. We didn't spend too long at Babies-R-Us (had to get home to watch the Cowboys) but at least started the registry process.
The best part about our trip was that we found bedding that we really loved. This will start the room decoration process since we now have a color palette to work with.

Please check out our registry on and see what we registered for. We will hopefully be adding to the registry next weekend when we get some time to go back.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It is official, Braden and I had our Dr's appointment yesterday and found out we were (without a doubt) having a boy. Nana B (Braden's mom) and Grandma D (my mom) joined us for the appointment. I think everyone was excited to see our little boy moving around and loved hearing his little heart beating. We had a video made of the sonogram so we can watch it daily and see our little bundle of joy.

Baby Boy Howell's First Embarrassing Picture
(the picture is taken looking up from his bottom)

Baby Boy Howell
(his body is curled up like a backwards C)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

17 Weeks

Well, we are 17 weeks pregnant and counting. Everything is going fine. I am no longer nauseous on a daily business and starting to feel like myself again. They say the second trimester is the best because you're not sick (like the 1st trimester) and you are not uncomfortable (like in the 3rd trimester). Recently I have started wearing some maternity clothes. I can still wear majority of my "pre-pregnancy" clothes but I am a lot more comfortable in the maternity ones. In the picture below you will see that I am wearing maternity jeans. These jeans are one of the best creations known to man. They are super comfortable with a stretchy cotton panel that stretches over your belly. I don't know if I will ever go back to regular jeans.
So, Monday (Oct 27) we have another sonogram scheduled. We should be finding out if we are going to have a boy or girl. Not I just have to hope and pray the baby will cooperate so the doctor can see him/her and tell us the sex. The grandma's-to-be are coming to the appointment with Braden and I to share in this amazing experience. We are thrilled to have them join us and I know they are thrilled to see their first grandchild.
Lastly, I realized I have not talked about my first baby - Lexi (our dog). Lexi has been a super sweet companion for over a year now. Braden and I adore her and can't wait for her to meet the baby too. It is weird but I think she knows something is different. She is migrating more toward Braden these days (where she has always been my shadow). I am attaching a picture of our first baby below. She is a 6lb. chihuahua mix that Braden rescued a little over a year ago.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happening This Week

I know I have not been consistent with posting and I will try to be better so those of you who do read - have something to read weekly.

I have been reading the typical book "What to Expect When Your Expecting." Every week I catch up on what is happening to the baby for that week. This week, the tiny bones in Baby Howell's ears have developed allowing him/her to hear our voices. My book suggests singing to the baby now and the baby is likely to recognize my (or Braden's) voice and the songs we sing upon arrival.
Along with the bones in his/her ears, Baby Howell's backbone is mature and strong enough now to allow the baby to work on straightening his/her head and neck. Baby Howell is about 5 inches long and weighs a whopping 3 ounces.

For those of you who do not know - Braden and I have another sonogram scheduled for Monday, October 27. At that Dr.'s appointment we will find out if we are having a boy or girl (hopefully the baby cooperates with the Dr. so he can tell). We are very excited to find out what we are having. Be on the lookout for the BIG NEWS at the end of the month.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

From the Dad Corner

So here we go; Dad-to-be is making his foray into the Howell family blogosphere. I will do my best to update as often as possible.

Fifteen weeks into the pregnancy and things are still going well. I am still trying to get used to the idea that I will actually be a father in six months, but as unbelievable as the idea is to me, it is far more exciting! Every doctor's appointment brings a renewed sense of reality, as well as an added sense of comfort to know that thus far everything is going well. In addition, Rebecca has a fantastic doctor who does a great job of keeping me involved and making every appointment enjoyable.

Speaking of doctor's appointments, Rebecca's doctor is in the same group of doctors at Medical City as the doctor who delivered me. Our most recent appointment just happened to fall on my 28th birthday, so I stopped by to introduce myself to the doctor who brought me into the word 28 years ago (yes, he is still practicing!). It was a pretty fun experience. He remembered my mom and said I made him feel very old by informing him it has been 28 years since he delivered me. Other than being a little bigger today than I was on that same wonderful day 28 years ago, I'm sure I am just as cute as I was back then!

This has been a wonderful process thus far, and I know there is so much more to come but I am looking forward to it with eager anticipation. Rebecca and I are so blessed to be surrounded by so many loving family and friends that have helped to make this time in our lives even that much better. We know we will be bringing our little baby to a world filled with love and I get a little more excited with each passing day.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Goodbye 1st Trimester - Hello 2nd Trimester

It is official. I am out of my 1st Trimester and starting my 2nd Trimester. From what I have read, I should be feeling better and growing fast. I am definitely ready to feel like myself again. I seem to be feeling slightly better every day. So, I hope this continues.

I started doing Prenatal Yoga this week. I bought a DVD online and do it at the house. It is really relaxing and hopefully going to help when it comes to delivery. Again, I have read that women who do yoga have easier labor and delivery. Therefore, I am going to keep doing the yoga video and maybe look into some local classes.

This weekend the Morina crew is coming to town and we are going to celebrate Baby Howell. We are excited both sides of the family will be able to get together for a fun cookout.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Child Care Already??

So, Braden and I have been discussing Child Care for Baby Howell for when I return to work after the baby is born. We quickly found out that you have to get your child on a waiting list LONG before he/she is even born. We looked into a couple places Downtown, close to where I work. One place hopes to get our baby in by July/August 2009 while the other place thinks it could be April/May 2010 before they could get Baby Howell into the program. This is absolutely CRAZY. So, now I am stressing out trying to find child care for Baby Howell and getting on as many waiting lists as possible so when it comes time to go back to work - Baby Howell has a place to go. Otherwise, my mom will have to move to Dallas and move in with Braden and I to be our nanny :) Just Kidding!

Monday, September 15, 2008


We had a sonogram done this morning and I couldn't wait to share the amazing picture with everyone.
For the most part Baby Howell looks at home in my tummy. The Dr. kept trying to get Baby Howell to move around so he could do some measurements. But, all the baby wanted to do is kick and flap his/her arms. It was an amazing sight to see.

Baby Howell (11 weeks)

Friday, September 12, 2008

11 Weeks Down - 29 To Go

It has been a very exciting week for Braden and me. First, we started the week off hearing the baby's heart beat. It was amazing to get to hear the heart beating. Second, we decided to start telling our family and friends the good news. It was a pleasure to share our joy with those we love.

Being pregnant has been an interesting process. My body is getting "soft" but I have not gained any weight yet. I think the no weight gain is due to the fact that I have been nauseous for the last few weeks. Not really sick - just not feeling 100% all the time. When I can eat, I try to eat healthy nutritious meals so that I am getting my vitamins and keeping the baby healthy. Other than that, I have been doing great. Braden and I keep up with weekly developments of the baby (this week the baby is the size of a fig).

I have to take a minute to brag on my wonderful, amazing husband. Braden has been a saint while I have been feeling bad. He is the first to jump up and get me crackers, ginger ale, anything I might want or need. He cooks dinner every night (even if I can't eat), cleans the kitchen, cares for the dog, and without fail takes care of me. I have been blessed with such a great husband and do not take him for granted.

Thank you to all our friends and family for sharing this special time in our lives. Check back to see developments and watch my tummy grow.

11 Weeks Pregnant

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New to the Blogging World

Well, I am new to the world of blogging but thought this would be a great way to keep my friends and family informed.
Braden and I are so excited to welcome a new addition into the Howell Family in April. We are only 8 1/2 weeks along so it is too early to know the sex of the baby. [Stay tuned for the results of the sex of the baby around week 20]
We ask that our family and friends keep us in their thoughts and prayers over the next 31 weeks as we prepare to be first times parents.

Love to all - R&B